Latin Queen Shakira Expresses Her Love For her Origins Through Cultural Fluidity And The Experience of being a Cross Cultural Kid
Most people know Shakira for her Latin dance moves and great vocals. What they may not know is that she is also a Cross Cultural Kid. She took the United States by storm in 1997 without relinquishing her multicultural roots. […]
Top 10 Young Adult Books for Third Culture Kids
As a U.S. kid growing up in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, I had never heard the term “Third Culture Kid” but somehow I still found books that told me the stories of other children like me. From “Ballet Shoes” to “The Island of The Blue […]
Rihanna: The Cross-Cultural Musician, Fashionista, Philanthropist
Robyn Rihanna Fenty, known most commonly to her fans as Rihanna, is a singer, actress, and business woman whose influence can be seen worldwide. As a global superstar, Fenty makes sure to represent her cross-cultural background through her music, fashion […]
Being Cross-Cultural: Education, Life, and Ethnic Studies
By Aidan Loughran Being cross-cultural is complex, but important to understand in modern society. While some may have an idea of what it means to be cross-cultural, others might not have a clue. Essentially, being cross-cultural is when an individual […]
Regina Rangel-Sanchez: A Cross-Cultural Life
By Aidan Loughran Regina Rangel-Sanchez is a U.S. citizen of Mexican heritage. I recently conducted an interview with her to learn more about her life and her culture. While her cultural background may be confusing to some, I found it […]
Culturs celebrates cross-cultural identity because everyone should feel like they matter. We use media, products and experiences to enhance human connection and create community for that “third space,” the “in-between” community of people who straddle cutlure, race, ethnicity, nation or location.
Keeping Up With TCKs and Immigrant Kids – PART 2 OF 3: Susan Hsin
Looking back at part 1 of this series, we can see how Madi Soler’s life as a Domestic Third Culture Kid within different states in the United States affected her as a whole. As we move forward, we’re going to […]
Chile, Canada, the U.S.— How a Family Created Unique Cross-Cultural Celebrations
Chile, Canada, the U.S. — I have lived significant portions of my life in these countries. As an Adult Third Culture Kid (TCKA), I do my best to teach my children to be global citizens. I want them to take […]