Meet Maxime: Yuujou surprises finalists for trip around the world (Part 2 of 10)
“I think this project is the best way to physically prove that we are all connected and that there are beautiful humans all around the world.” – Maxime, Yuujou finalist
A Cross-cultural life without limits: Pamela Blattner
With a soul described as nomadic, Pamela Blattner is a citizen of the world striving to live her best life as a blended Latina. Born in Aarau, Switzerland, to a Swiss mother and Peruvian father, Blattner leads a mobile life […]
Cultural Gumbo – The Code Switch
I was raised in New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA) by an immigrant, single mother. The storyline in “Fresh off the Boat” is very familiar to me. If the USA is a melting pot, New Orleans is the gumbo created in that […]
Families in Global Transition (FIGT)’s Exciting 20th anniversary conference Keynote Lineup
Top experts and researchers in the globally mobile community will be headlining this year’s Families in Global Transition Conference to be held March 8-10, 2018 at the World Trade Center in The Hague, the Netherlands. The three prominent keynote speakers […]
Empire of The Sun, a TCK Movie Analysis
Third-culture-kid (TCK) and cross-cultural-kid (CCK) lifestyles — and the subsequent benefits and struggles — rarely enter the media. Often, only TCKs themselves seek to tell their stories while those who have experienced a less nomadic upbringing remain unaware of this […]
Series – Part 3 of 3: Culture Without Boundaries
Throughout this three part series, you will see Pamela Blattner’s journey from ignoring her Peruvian heritage to becoming confident as a blended Latina. First, in part one, you explored her upbringing where she tried to fit into the molds of […]
Top Five Global Alternative Music Artists of 2017
From trendsetting experimentation in the electronic scene and indie rock, to lo-fi bubbly tunes, 2017 brought out the best in cutting edge alternative. These are my top five picks of the year, bringing an eclectic listening experience from around the […]
How Worldschooling Creates More Peaceful Citizens
We all see the world through different lenses, as is visible through the popular phrase, “to see the world through roses tinted glasses”. Lainie Liberti wrote an article about world views and seeing through different lenses in 2015 that brings […]