It’s 7:30 a.m. in Los Angeles at the Ace Hotel.
I managed to get ready for the day and scurry down to the Hotel restaurant (fabulous food all night and day, by the way)…order a guava and pine nut danish and usual soy Latte–too yummy for words–and wander up to the mezzanine level of the restaurant to rest in a cow hide sleigh chair…very cool!
I am people watching this morning.
Love to watch people–especially convergence of people from different places doing the same thing. Just watching fashionable people choose and eat breakfast can be fun. Simarities and differences in diet and behavior are great to observe.
The barrista creates custom coffee drinks and spins wax at the same time…impressive. The music is loud and hip for the a.m. hour, but no one seems to mind.
It’s Fashion week in L.A. and most of the guests are heading to three marketplaces in just a short time.They will be choosing clothing for the Fall 2014 season. Buyers will apply their personal takes on The Season to come from their corners of the fashion world. It is early by anyone’s standards, but everyone is decked in their city garb ready to work.
I love market!
Vendors from Paris, London, Asia. Locals like Heart and Heal from the hills of California bring their wares as an offering for the Fall Season to come. Buyers picking choosing, budgeting and if honest with themselves, having a shopper’s high. THIS IS SHOPPING!
Shopping with a twist, pressure filled predictions of what the consumer wants, needs and would “die for” in the season to come. When browsing though stores this fall, remember that these items were not bought in bulk, but every piece reviewed and ejected or chosen for you.
Yes it is shopping, but it is hard work too. All that is bought has to be justified from the regular price to the items that didn’t fly and landed on the sales rack for one reason or another. Everything bought has to translate to what people WANT to wear — whether ‘candy’ to the eye or the basics that make all outfits functional.
This fall will be a wonderful season from what I encountered at market: Styles that left the runways of the world and trickling down to wearables for us laypeople. The predictions are set in motion, fashion magazines are brimming.
Watch and see, Fall is just around the corner and set in motion. Just for You!