The much-anticipated third season of “Acapulco” premiered recently. The acclaimed bilingual comedy series stars award-winning actor and executive producer Eugenio Derbez. The season kicked off with the release of the first two episodes globally, with new episodes set to drop every Wednesday through June 26.
“Acapulco” has captivated audiences worldwide with its heartfelt humor and engaging storyline. This season continues to split its narrative between two timelines. In the present-day story, an older Máximo (Derbez) navigates a transformed Las Colinas. Meanwhile, the 1985 storyline follows a younger Máximo (Enrique Arrizon) striving for success, often at the expense of his hard-earned relationships.
The returning cast includes Fernando Carsa, Damián Alcázar, Camila Perez, Vanessa Bauche, Regina Reynoso, Raphael Alejandro, Jessica Collins, Rafael Cebrián, Regina Orozco, and Carlos Corona. This season also introduces new gueststars Jaime Camil (“Schmigadoon”) and Cristo Fernandez (“Ted Lasso”), adding fresh dynamics to the show.
Lionsgate Television produced “Acapulco” in collaboration with 3Pas Studios, Zihuatanejo Productions and The Tannenbaum Company. The box office hit “How to Be A Latin Lover” inspired the series. Alongside Derbez, Ben Odell serves as an executive producer. Austin Winsberg, Eduardo Cisneros and Jason Shuman created the series. Winsberg and showrunner Sam Laybourne also serve as executive producers. Additional executive producers include Kim and Eric Tannenbaum, Jaime Eliezer Karas, Jason Wang and Paul Presburger.
Check out the trailer below.