Friday, February 7 2025

When Angela entered elementary school, her teachers were concerned about her progress in reading and writing. Her mom, who does not speak fluent English, had been teaching her Korean at home, making it difficult for Angela to keep up with her classmates English comprehension. Her parents faced a difficult decision between holding their daughter back another year, or pausing her Korean lessons at home. Her mom ultimately decided to give up their communication, so Angela could progress in school.

Angela struggled with her racial ambiguity through her school years, and her relationship with her mother deteriorated. A bit of “Seoul-searching” could give Angela and her mom the chance to finally reconnect.

Angela began drawing to focus her mind, and is now a tattoo artist and designer. See her tattoo work on her Instagram and see more of her design work here.


My Liminal Life is a series focusing on the various forms a liminal (or in-between) identity can take. It explores the challenges of a liminal life through intimate stories of culturally or racially blended people, and the ways they have reconciled their complicated heritages. 


TCK Closeup: Leah Eyob


Interview with Domestic TCK, Jake Stewart

About Author

kelsey hatcher

Kelsey Hatcher is a video professional and content coordinator for CULTURS. An Alabamian, a Coloradoan, a would-be world traveler - let's just say it's complicated.

1 comment

  1. I enjoyed seeing the difference of cultures between a mother and a daughter. The challenged with her mom and growing up has been something that she struggles with but has grown to be proud of, and that is very important. This shows how growing up can change your relationships with your parents! Great watch and video.

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