kelsey hatcher
My Liminal Life: Reconnecting Across a Language Barrier
When Angela entered elementary school, her teachers were concerned about her progress in reading and writing. Her mom, who does not speak fluent English, had been teaching her Korean at home, making it difficult for Angela to keep up with […]
Tandem Nomads: Podcasting to Connect and Inspire Ex-Pat Partners
Amel Derragui thought her past nomadic experiences would equip her with all the skills she needed when she chose to follow her partner to a new country. However, she did not expect how her independence would be compromised, and found […]
Expert Ilaria Vilkelis on Thriving Beyond Cultures
Ilaria Vilkelis is a Culturs Expert and the founder of Thriving Beyond Cultures, a resource to help ex-pats, B.R.A.T.s, and TCKs take time to process the dramatic changes they are experiencing. Ilaria believes that how we cope with change affects […]
Multicultural Moms Write Children’s Book for TCKs
There are several ways to eat a bowl of soup. You could use chopsticks, or a spoon, or you could slurp it right out of the bowl – and often these tactics are culturally coded. For a kid growing […]
Chris O’Shaughnessy: Empathy in the Global Life
With every new technological development, we get closer to a common global lifestyle. Maybe not all of us are TCKs or have any plans to ex-patriate any time soon, but new advances in communication and social media are evolving our […]
My Liminal Life: Reconciling Jewish Heritage Through Travel
Growing up in a religiously-blended household, Erin was never “enough.” Not Catholic enough, not Jewish enough, and she even experienced a brief identity crisis when she realized that being white in her predominately Hispanic hometown of El Paso, Texas set […]
My Liminal Life: An Artist Decodes a Biracial Identity
Grace grew up trying to balance between her black and white identities. She struggled to find an answer from her family and community, who could only see her as black or white, never both at the same time. She turned to […]
TCK Legacy Expert Michael Pollock: The Power of Storytelling
What’s in a story? How do you tell your own? More importantly, why do you tell it at all? When Third Culture Kid (TCK) expert and educator Michael Pollock, son of one of the originators of TCK research – David Pollock, […]