International Adoptees
Riding For Change: Amy Denet Deal’s Skateboarding Revolution
In the vast, wind-swept expanses of the Navajo Nation, where the echoes of tradition reverberate through the canyons, Amy Denet Deal crafts a new narrative of cruising skateboards and flying dreams.
TCKs Find Themselves through Art
Third Culture Kids (TCKs) Grace Kim and Susan Mousakhani use their art to highlight their globally mobile lifestyles while growing up. Understanding the world Kim spent more time living nomadically throughout her life than she ever spent in her passport […]
Netflix’s Original Film ‘The Irishman’ is Filled With Hidden Diversity
Films, TV series, music, photography, you name it, they all show a select audience a certain theme or message. But most directors and photographers go beyond the “surface” message to incorporate several hidden themes or ideologies. Some ideas are so subtle and subconscious that it’s not until you go […]
Korean Adoptee Creates Community Through Art
Transnational transracial adoption can add a layer of complication to the identity journey of an adoptee. A.D. Herzel is an internationally recognized artist, educator, designer, writer. She is also a Korean adoptee who explores her identity and creates community through her art. Herzel grew up in a deeply religious household. Her adopted parents were part of the peak of Americans adopting children orphaned during the Korean American War. The origin of this type of adoption traces back to when Harry Holt and his wife Bertha adopted 8 Korean orphans from Korea in 1956.
OF TRADITION, FOOD AND CULTURE. Bridging Cultures with food & customs.
An Adult Third Culture Kid and International Adoptee Shares how her Swedish Family Instilled a Strong Sense of Identity. 6 MINUTE READ by Anna Svedberg Growing up as a Third Culture Kid can be complicated enough, navigating different cultures and […]
Heritage and its Connection to Past, Present and Future
“Go back to where you started, or as far back as you can,
examine all of it, travel your road again and tell the truth about it.
Sing or shout or testify or keep it to yourself: but know whence you came.”