Filmmakers Are Looking To Chat With Adult TCKs
Are you a Third Culture Kid (TCK)? If so, some filmmakers are looking for interview subjects between the ages of 25-35 for a documentary on TCKs.
How Malala Yousafzai’s Advocacy Changes Refugee Education Worldwide
The remarkable story of Malala Yousafzai and her struggle to secure education for all, especially for girls and refugees, has left an indelible mark on the world.
Unveiling Aida Mandić’s Creative Odyssey: A Journey Through War, Refuge and Boundless Inspiration
Aida Mandić is a luminary, her narrative tapestry intricately woven from threads of resilience, empathy and an unwavering commitment to justice.
‘Dreams For Our Children’ — Letters From Immigrants
Omotayo Banjo’s “Dreams For Our Children: Immigrant Letters to the Future” is a collection of letters from first- and second-generation parents and parents-to-be which captures their aspirations for their children.
Lessons From The Immigrant Experience
Feelings of unresolved grief, confusion, losing a sense of self and forming a new community (or lack of) can all be traced back to the journey of an immigrant.
Ranking A Passport — Ranking Human Lives
Henley & Partner’s 2023 Passport Index ranks passports of countries by the number of destinations you’re able to enter visa-free or with minimal difficulty.
The Differences Between Immigrants and Refugees
There’s a big difference between immigrants and refugees, and the one main factor that separates them is how they have come to leave their home country and find another.
Remembering Rwanda And The Plight Of Refugees
Genocide has become a term that has too frequently surfaced in recent human history, including Rwanda. This month marks the anniversary of the beginning of the Rwandan genocide. On April 7th, 1994, war broke out in this small African country […]