How To Counter The ‘Vicious Cycle’ Of More Black Boys Being Placed In Special Ed Classes Than Gifted And Talented Ones
Educators in the United States have known for years that black boys are overrepresented in special education (SPED) classes and underrepresented in gifted and talented education (GATE) ones.
Culturally in-Depth: Onions Have Layers, Ogres Have Layers and Culture Does Too
Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by [humankind] as a member of society.
Ranking A Passport — Ranking Human Lives
Henley & Partner’s 2023 Passport Index ranks passports of countries by the number of destinations you’re able to enter visa-free or with minimal difficulty.
Peter Ukhurebor On Making The Advertising Industry More Inclusive (AUDIO)
On this episode of the Destinations With Doni podcast, we meet Nigerian-American Peter Ukhurebor. In a recent interview, we learn about Ukhurebor and his cultural heritage, the Cannes Lions advertising festival, making the advertising industry inclusive toward people of color […]
Westernization, the 2016 Olympics and the Effect on Rio
The Olympic Games are a global event drawing in tens of thousands of visitors and millions over television worldwide to cheer on their country. As technology advances, the Olympics become grander in scale with more elaborate infrastructure. With scores of […]
Discontent At The Gates Of The Promised Land; DRAFTING A NEW CHILEAN CONSTITUTION.
They Took To The Streets CHILE — On Oct. 18, 2019, people took to the streets. They abandoned their workplaces and schools to join the demonstrations, chanting EVADE! The tensions had been building since Oct. 7 and finally boiled over. Who […]
Hispanic Heritage Month — OPINION: Why it’s Significant to the U.S.A.
Hispanic Heritage Month 2020 is celebrated in the United States from Sept. 15th through to Oct. 15th. It commemorates the independence of many Latin American countries from Spain. This year more than ever, however, I can’t help but reflect on what it means to be Latinx/Hispanic in these times.
Part VI of VI: What Blackness Looks Like- I WANT TO BREATHE:
As I reflect upon what it still means to be black, or a person of color in the United States of America (U.S.), I think about the sleepless nights I have experienced being concerned for my black and multiracial children (especially after we returned from living overseas).