The Unique Life Story of a TCK – Part 2 of 2
In Part 1 of this series, we met TCK James Douglas, who spent part of his formative years in the United Arab Emirates. Part 2 covers the idea of being thrown into a life with more responsibility is what makes a […]
The unique life story of a TCK – Part 1 of 2
If you think about your friend group there is likely someone that fills the title Third Culture Kid (TCK) or at least cross-cultured. As the world becomes more globalized, people are beginning to experience different cultures for extended periods. Millennials and Generation Z […]
Keanu Reeves and the Unique Childhood That Shaped Him
Keanu Reeves is one of the most well-known celebrities across the world. He has starred in movies such as “Point Break,” the “Matrix” series and the “John Wick” series. However, what a lot of people don’t know is the interesting Third Culture Kid […]
Netflix’s Original Film ‘The Irishman’ is Filled With Hidden Diversity
Films, TV series, music, photography, you name it, they all show a select audience a certain theme or message. But most directors and photographers go beyond the “surface” message to incorporate several hidden themes or ideologies. Some ideas are so subtle and subconscious that it’s not until you go […]
The Unique Life Story of a TCK – Part 3 of 3
TCK and cross culturalism has become more popular as we move towards a more globalized world. With the number of people living throughout different cultures to that of their ‘passport country’ increasing as time marches forward. Remote living may be the […]
Yoko Ono: The turbulent life of a famous artist
Music is a place where people share their life experiences and the emotions they feel at a certain time and place. Music is one of the many fields that a Third Culture Kid (TCK) can use to express their life story and journey. […]
The Life and Story of Famous TCK Photographer Annie Leibovitz
People with a cross-cultural background have found themselves scattered across numerous industries around the world. This is no different for the photography sector and Annie Leibovitz. She is one of the most famous and critically acclaimed photographers in modern time. What people do not know […]
The Story and Legacy of Famous Architect I.M. Pei
Cultural fluidity is now more prominent within modern society as people use their unique experiences to inspire their work, and no one shows this more than the architect, I.M. Pei. Pei is a Chinese American architect famous for the design of the Pyramide du Louvre located at the Louvre […]