Thursday, January 23 2025

There are few things that make my day more than a nice rainy day. It may sound strange, but there is something about rain that makes the world feel a little closer, a little more fresh. If you’re searching the world for beautiful places to wander, the Hawaiian island of Kauai is one of the best. And if you’re looking for a good place to wander in the rain, you can’t do much better than Kauai’s Mount Waialeale.

One of the rainiest spots on the planet, the shield volcano of Waialeale is not only just plain amazing to visit, but is also a uniquely accessible spot of natural forces. The pure power of an ancient volcano coupled with the climate of a tropical rain forest, creates in this location a one of a kind view.

The entire island of Kauai is rife with sights and sounds to inspire even the most timid poet, not to mention any photographer. Good poetry comes from honest motivation and a drive to venture not only into a new physical place, but also a new place in your own writing. For me, rain is a unavoidable motivation to write. Finding your motivation is only a matter of time and place, and Kauai’s sunny days, beautiful beaches, and rainy mountain treks are some of the most tranquil and inspiring in the world. Enjoy some pictures from Kauai along with my own attempt to capture the spirit of Waialeale and check out the video from Oahu born Hawaiian chanter Mark KealiÊ»i HoÊ»omalu.


rippling water
lake of grey fog
slick valley green
it rains

calling chicken
under rough fence
brushes dipping green
it rains

cloudy middle mountain
burst of tropic earth
shower singing greenhttp://www.svijetokonas.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/kauai-Crater.jpg
it rains

breath of wind
whisper dripping heights
rustle bearded green
it rains





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About Author

Jesse Graves

Jesse is an English and Creative Writing Graduate of Colorado State University. He is interested in storytelling and its history throughout the world, and he has traveled all around Europe from the Baltic to the Mediterranean studying and enjoying the culture and history of the area.

1 comment

  1. I like that I could connect to this article because I stayed in Hawaii for vacation a few years ago and absolutely fell in love with the place. I want to go back and it was interesting listening to the Hawaiian song you posted. It makes me want to be back on a beach with a bonfire!

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