Sunday, February 16 2025

Throughout this three part series, you will see Pamela Blattner’s journey from ignoring her Peruvian heritage to becoming confident as a blended Latina. First, in part one, you explored her upbringing where she tried to fit into the molds of Swiss culture. Part two unearthed how the cross-cultural adult (CCA) took action to embrace both Swiss and Latin culture. Now, in the third and final edition of the series, see how the CCA leads a mobile life as she lives in-between Swiss, South American and American culture.

A Third Culture way of life

The process of self-discovery is ongoing as she uncovers more about her Peruvian culture. “I’m kind of in this in-between place where I feel more Swiss and I look more like a Latina. I’ve been accused of not being Swiss or Latina enough.”

As a result, Blattner has learned to not apologize for “being a bit too alive for a Swiss or speaking too little Spanish for a Latina.” Like many cross-cultural individuals, she does not fit perfectly within the molds of Swiss or Latin culture, but somewhere along the margins of each.

I feel a lot of gratitude for my diverse heritage.”

“I’m learning more about the Peruvian culture and it feels important to finally make time to travel to Peru next year. The beauty of it is that I don’t feel like I’m yearning for a place that finally feels like home anymore, but to discover another aspect of myself that I get to deepen. I’m excited to see what it brings up and what wants to be healed even more,” she revealed.

“I feel a lot of gratitude for my diverse heritage,” she expressed. As a certified life coach with professional experience in international communications, she attributes part of her success to knowledge of global culture.

Understanding is key

Blattner’s mother, Marianne Blattner-Geissberger, believes her daughter has a multicultural viewpoint that helps her professionally and personally. Her mother explained, “she has the gift of being able to walk in her client’s shoes and supports them in finding their own voice.”

Pamela Blattner, Swiss-Peruvian, TCA, CCA, Blended Latina
Photo courtesy: Pamela Blattner

Similarly, the CCA noted, “I often draw upon my knowledge of different cultures.” A global understanding has helped in past experiences, and she continues to use her perspectives in her coaching practice. “I wanted to create a business that matches my global lifestyle and nomadic soul,” she declared.

Her unique experiences go hand in hand with with her work as a life coach—a career all about changing perspectives. “I hope it makes me a more non-judgmental, compassionate coach,” she persisted.

She has the gift of being able to walk in her client’s shoes and supports them in finding their own voice.”

With clients all over the globe, the CCA is fluent in five languages: Swiss-German, German, Italian, French and English. Blattner speaks conversational Spanish as well. 

“My diverse, multicultural background has helped me support my clients. Coaching my clients through their challenges towards a life they love has showed me again and again that no matter our cultural heritage, we are all connected by the same desires and dreams. When I listen to my clients, I observe much more that connects than separates us.”

In addition, Blattner’s coaching practice fosters personal self-growth. “My clients inspire me to live my best life. Because of the way I grew up, I was always intrigued by what makes us tick and what makes us live a happy, fulfilled life. I’m grateful I get to live that now.” Discover more about how the CCA transforms lives through her work as a certified life coach here

Thriving in daily life

Moreover, a cross-cultural life gives her a “sense of freedom to be home inside of me no matter where I happen to be in the world.” She combines the best of all her worlds to create an abundant life where she sets priorities on what matters most—friends, family and love.

My clients inspire me to live my best life.”

The CCA loves the pristine environment, social justice and considerate nature of Switzerland. Blattner credits her wildness and joy of life to her Peruvian DNA and Swiss upbringing. Currently based in Huntington Beach, California, she values the easy-going lifestyle, warm-hearted people and possibilities that fill the air. Further, the Swiss-Peruvian contended, living in California “gives me breathing space to just be who I am.”

“The U.S. has also given her more permission to take life lightly and have fun,” Blattner-Geissberger shared.

Pamela Blattner, TCK, Swiss-South American, Latina, Cross-Cultural
Photo courtesy: Pamela Blattner. Photo credit: Jenn and Pawel Photography

Above all, Blattner’s assurance in her identity allows her to “authentically show up with all of me.” She concluded, “my cross-cultural roots are just one aspect of the mosaic of my being in my life. Now, I get to just receive the rewards of my journey and enjoy the richness and depth of my world.”

In summary, over this three part series, Pamela Blattner’s transformation into a cross-cultural life without bounds was unveiled. As seen in part one, the Switzerland native was content with her Swiss lifestyle. Next, she reached a turning point that brought her back to her Peruvian roots, detailed in part two. Lastly, you witnessed how the CCA blends cultures to live a complete, joyful life.


SERIES- PART 1 OF 3 : How Global Culture is a Personal Concept


SERIES- PART 2 OF 3 : How Global Culture is a Personal Concept featuring Terri Mairley

About Author


Colorado native, Madison Bickler, is passionate about Journalism and Media Communications. Although she does not identify as culturally fluid, Bickler is eager to gain a better understanding of cultural mobility and hidden diversity through the Culturs community. She seeks to inspire individuals who are not culturally mobile to explore new aspects of diversity. As someone who appreciates different perspectives, she is prepared to offer insight on issues through a global lens. Each person brings unique gifts to the table and Bickler hopes to illuminate those hidden qualities around the globe.

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