The Differences Between Immigrants and Refugees
There’s a big difference between immigrants and refugees, and the one main factor that separates them is how they have come to leave their home country and find another.
Emigrating From Germany to the U.S. After World War II — Part 3 of 3
(Trigger/Content Warning: This series talks about the effects of Nazism in Germany and war.) The last two parts of this series focused on just my grandfather Hans and his time in Germany before and during World War II, but there […]
Emigrating From Germany to the U.S. After World War II — Part 2 of 3
(Trigger/Content Warning: This series talks about the effects of Nazism in Germany and war.) In Part 2 of this series, Casey Stine writes about his grandfather Hans and his experiences as a prisoner of war in Germany. Growing up as […]
Emigrating From Germany to the United States After World War II — Part 1 of 3
(Trigger/Content Warning: This series talks about the effects of Nazism in Germany and war.) When looking back in history, one of the hardest times the human race has faced so far is both world wars, especially the atrocities committed during […]
Cultural Fluidity in Music
When looking at the impact of cultural fluidity on music, you don’t have to look very far as it is everywhere. Some of the most famous and well known musicians are culturally fluid, or from a different background than most. […]
Cultural Fluidity in Sports
When looking at cultural fluidity, you don’t have to look far to find many big-name sports superstars that fit the mold. Kobe Bryant Kobe Bryant, whom we tragically lost in early 2020, was one of the biggest names in the […]
Culturally Fluid Artists in the 21st Century
In today’s world it is very common for people to take refuge in music and art to escape their day-to-day burdens. Many people may not know that a number of the world’s prominent artists are culturally fluid. Comedian Ahmed Ahmed […]