Tuesday, February 11 2025

Homebrewing has been gaining momentum in the United States, but has had great prevalence in other countries.

Homebrewing in Africa

For instance, brewing and distilling from home has been an integral part of African culture for decades. According to the Economist, the African homebrew market is four times larger than the commercial beer market.

Homebrewing beer
Homebrewing Beer

Whether it be beer, wine, ciders or mead, retailers of kits for making beer at home in the U.S. have seen notable growth in sales since 2005.

Beer ingredients prevail as the No. 1 selling commodity, but wine is not far behind.

Women: beer or wine?

While women are still the minority of consumers for these products, statistics indicate that women are leaning more toward wine fermentation than beer brewing.

Homebrewing Infographic by Rachael Worthington
Homebrewing Infographic by Rachael Worthington

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1 comment

  1. Homebrewing is not too common in the United States, or at least, I do not know of anyone that does this. However, it is so innovative and I am certain an integral part of these cultures. I would love to learn more about the women involved in wine making and fermentation and see how it reflects the woman’s role in society. There is so much that can be touched on and I love the idea behind this writing. I also love the demographics as it is very interactive, I would incorporate this into my own writing pieces. Thank you for sharing!

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