Yin and Yang
Find The Happy Medium Of Unity
Joe Biden’s inaugural address as the 46th President of the United States mentioned several aspects of community and diplomacy. The following is my takeaway. Unity As The Goal One concept in Mr. Biden’s speech was “unity.” He said, “With unity […]
It’s in the Mindset: Understanding Leads to Better Cultural Communication
Today, as we observe the tensest interactions between the United States and its allies in years and as globalization takes root deeper in the world, interacting with people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds has become more common for most, especially for Americans. Considering U.S. history and policies over the past 250 years, we see a vacillation of how other cultures have been met by Americans.
Nandan: The Yin & Yang of Chinese Cross-Gender Performers
For generations, Chinese culture has traditionally enjoyed and celebrated cross-gender artists. Peking opera is the most well-known of all Chinese operas, which finds its home in Beijing. But in Peking opera, men have played the part of women for centuries.