Saturday, February 8 2025
Bridge View of City

I never thought I’d fall in love with Amsterdam, a city I truly knew nothing about.

The second I dropped my bags at the Coco Mama hostel, I hit the streets with my friends to explore. Amsterdam is a sight for sore eyes. The canals are like nothing I have ever seen before, with tall apartments lining the water, I kept thinking, “I could move here.” Hundreds of bridges connect the city piece by piece, making riding bicycles more common that driving cars.

Even though living on houseboats and visiting coffee shops is the norm, what amazed me was how so many different types of people are able to co-exist so peacefully.

Boat Houses

Not only is the city beautiful, but the people who live there are as well. Everyone I came into contact with had a story to tell — all of which fascinated me because of how different my upbringing was.

My family lived in a small town in Colorado, U.S.A. and stayed in the same house my entire childhood. It wasn’t until college where I was able to spread my wings and study abroad. While in Amsterdam I met people from Spain, Australia, China, Canada, and of course the Dutch locals.

Whether it was the language they spoke, the meals we ate together, if they moved there for love or for a new job, Amsterdam is a beautiful mosaic of people. Anne Frank said it best, “think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy,” which is exactly what the people in Amsterdam are doing.


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1 comment

  1. I love this article and your experience being in Amsterdam! I have never traveled outside of North America, so reading your descriptions of the city makes it feel like I am there. I have wanted to travel to Europe, but you mentioned that you “wanted to live there”. I am wondering if I would have the same experience if I were to ever travel to Europe. I do enjoy your mention of how bike-friendly the streets are. Here in the U.S, there are not many bike-friendly cities unless you go out onto a nature trail.

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