Donna Musil
A military B.R.A.T. makes peace in Vietnam.
18 MINUTE READ A soldier’s daughter reminds us that children are often the forgotten casualties of war and the line between one’s friends and enemies is not always so clear. **WARNING. This article contains images and references to war and […]
Those in the U.S. typically presume wrongful legal convictions are the result of a few “bad apples” — a dirty cop, an overzealous prosecutor, or a corrupt judge. But what if the whole tree is rotten? What if the whole concept of an adversarial system
A Military Brat Makes Peace in Vietnam
Children are often the forgotten casualties of war, and the line between friends and enemies isn’t always clear. When I was 16, my father died of cancer. Today, it would be presumed to be related to Agent Orange, the deadly […]
Discovering U.S. Military B.R.A.T. Culture Through Art
An estimated five percent of the U.S. population grew up in a military family, but there is not one television show dedicated to its subculture. There are no academic studies or museums focusing solely on military children. There is no Military B.R.A.T. or TCK section in your local library.