Wednesday, February 12 2025

By Aidan Loughren

Time goes on, people change, and life flashes before our eyes. This time that goes on can be turned into time spent traveling. People changing can be used as an opportunity to grow and create new relationships. The fact that life flashes before our eyes can be all the reason to step out of our comfort zones and do something we normally wouldn’t do — study abroad.

Book store (Image via Pixabay)
Book store (Image via Pixabay)

Experience New Cultures

For some people, myself included, traveling outside of the country is a scary thought. Traveling outside of the country alone is even scarier. What we don’t realize though, is that often, traveling to these places will change our lives for the better. By experiencing new places and cultures, the world gets smaller while the differences — but also the similarities between people and cultures — become more apparent. You will also become grateful for what you have after visiting some of these foreign places, like the opportunity to study abroad, for example. Cultures are special, and they can create amazing, eye-opening experiences for every person in the world.

Make New Friends

Depending on where you study, you will be surrounded by locals as well as other students traveling abroad. Be outgoing, make connections, and say hi to a stranger because these gestures may turn into making lifelong friendships. Whomever you meet, take classes with, grab coffee with, or end up traveling every weekend with, you will cherish your time with them more than you would think. You are experiencing things together that many people will never have the chance to, so keep good company and enjoy it.

Eat Amazing Food

Every place you go, you will eat an amazing dish. From Italy to Morocco, gelato to chicken curry, every bite is savory. Being abroad and traveling from country to country is a wonderful thing because of all the different cultures you immerse yourself in. Most cultures have a specialty dish that is a must-have.

Study abroad and enjoy ice cream cones (Image via Pixabay)
Study abroad and enjoy ice cream cones with a new friend (Image via Pixabay)

Become Completely Independent

Once you board the plane from your hometown to whichever destination you choose, fear takes over. There is no turning back once the plane touches the sky, but that is the beauty of it. From personal experience, I know that a sixteen-hour travel day, alone, to a country I have never been to, is terrifying. Terrifying but worth it. Once you are there, you are taking classes you have never heard of at a university you have never been to. You are planning multiple trips and deciding where to go and who with, where to stay, when to arrive, and the list goes on. You must also find means of transportation all on your own and most importantly, get to where you want to go on time. In the end, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much you can do on your own.

Take Risks

Finally, by doing all the four things stated above, you are taking risks. Applying to a study abroad program, being accepted, booking a flight and packing a bag are all risks, but ones you should be willing to take. You will be living a dream life on a constant high for however long you choose to stay in your chosen place of study. Take risks by making new friends, eating every meal, booking a train to nowhere, and traveling somewhere that scares you. You won’t regret it.

Airplane (Image via Pixabay)

(Aidan Loughran has a strong passion for the world and the people that surround her each and every day. When writing for Culturs, she wants her readers to relate to everything she writes. She fills her writing with a passion for the world, cultures, and life in general. Third-culture kids along with all other individuals of unique ethnicity, race, culture, and tradition all have a story to tell — a story that she wants to be a part of.)


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About Author


CULTURS is a global, multi-cultural philanthropic lifestyle network that activates 21st Century cultural identity through media, products and experiences for "in-between" populations. CULTURS includes topics of interest to these culturally fluid populations, including multiethnic, multicultural, mixed-race and geographically mobile people (like immigrants, refugees and Third Culture Kids) highlighting items of importance to or topics of interest to their backgrounds.

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