Tuesday, February 11 2025

This Culturs TV Wednesday Energy Medicine Minute comes from the Flatirons of Boulder, Colo., where Culturs.guru expert Tatiana Dahlin shows how to fight depression by creating “radiant hearts.”

“With an inner and outer smile, we breathe in three hearts around your womb,” she says, bending slightly forward, inhaling deeply and pulling her shoulders back as she sweepingly pulls her hands up to form the shape of a heart around the middle section of her body. Tatania then exhales forcefully as her hands create the outside outline of a heart, ending with her hands connecting in a “v,” to create the bottom of the heart.

Repeat this same exercise creating the shape of a heart three times around your body’s heart and lungs, three around the face, and ending with one large heart around what’s known as the aura, or energy field surrounding the body. Finish the final heart around the aura by “grounding it into the earth,” or completing the bottom “v” of this final heart by bending forward far enough to almost touch the ground.

As you raise your torso from the grounding, “you zip up,” Ssys Tatania with an audible “ahhh,” as she brings her hands to her mouth and makes a locking key motion at the mouth. She repeats, “you zip up,” this time sweeping hands behind her back, and then over the head, again ending at the mouth again with the key lock motion, “ahhh.”

Tatania gleefully advises, “whenever you make hearts all around your body, you bring in more energy, more joy, and it sends messages throughout your whole body to fight depression,” as she shows Boulder’s beautiful scenery.

Tatiana is Donna Eden’s Daughter. She, her mother, Donna Eden, and her sister, Dondi Dahlin, are Culturs.guru experts who perform energy minutes all around the world to bring health and healing to Culturs TV audience.

Culturs.guru is a global multicultural philanthropic brand that brings lifestyle content to liminal identities – populations that are “culturally mobile,” and represent “hidden” rather than “visual” diversity. This includes cross-cultured individuals, Third Culture Kids and multi-racial and multi-ethnic persons whose lives are punctuated by “straddling” of different cultures during their formative years. The online magazine focuses on international news and lifestyle topics, including travel, education, entrepreneurship and human connection. For more information, visit www.Culturs.guru.

Culturs TV programs are presented on dptv.denverpost.com through a partnership with The Denver Post.


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CULTURS is a global, multi-cultural philanthropic lifestyle network that activates 21st Century cultural identity through media, products and experiences for "in-between" populations. CULTURS includes topics of interest to these culturally fluid populations, including multiethnic, multicultural, mixed-race and geographically mobile people (like immigrants, refugees and Third Culture Kids) highlighting items of importance to or topics of interest to their backgrounds.

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