Saturday, January 25 2025

This Culturs TV Wednesday Energy Medicine Minute comes from the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y., where Culturs expert Dondi Dahlin shares an Energy Medicine technique designed to help clear pain in your body.

Chakra clearing technique

If you experience pain, you can use a chakra clearing technique over the affected area to release the blocked energies. Dondi has “used this technique many times for stomachaches.” She has chosen this particular demonstration to utilize chakra clearing over that area of the body.

Dondi also mentions that you can employ this exercise for other types of pain in the body, including wrist pain.

Shake the pain out

To begin this technique, imagine a clock facing out from the area where you feel the discomfort. Shake your hand and then move it in a counter-clockwise direction over the area five to seven times slowly.

Shake the excess energies off your hand and then move over the same area in a clockwise direction, eight to 10 times. Breathe deeply while you are shaking and move slowly.

Dondi, her sister Titanya Dahlin and their mother Donna Eden are Culturs experts who perform Energy Minutes all around the world to bring health and healing to the Culturs TV audience. Please note the Eden Energy Medicine disclaimer by clicking here.

Check out the video on XOTV.me!

Clearing pain on XOTV.me

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About Author

Samantha Malpiedi

Samantha Malpiedi is a columnist for Culturs and is especially interested in current issues around the world that affect people and the way they make their livelihoods. Her cultural awareness education began at age fifteen when she traveled to five different countries including parts of Europe, Mexico and Kenya and ended in her time spent living in Chile at age 21. From these experiences she developed her love for travel and the appreciation for culture. As a duo-language speaker, she thrives in environments where communication spans cultures. Never complacent to stay in one place, her articles will interest anyone that might resonate with a restless nomad, hungry for a taste of travel.

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