Tuesday, February 11 2025

There are few places that inspire more poetry for me than Ireland. If ever you find yourself in Dublin, Galway, the Aran Islands or any of the amazing cities and landscapes it might pay to put down the camera (if you can manage to take your eyes off the scenery) and remember that this area has inspired some of the most well known writers in history. Whether you prefer the short stories and groundbreaking novels of James Joyce or the inspired poetry of W.B. Yeats, Ireland has everything a wandering wordsmith could need.

Having a hard time finding inspiration? Any facet of a culture, country, or group that fascinates you is worth exploring in writing. Whether it be history, music, nature, or people- anything that catches the eye is a jumping off point for a poem or story. Below are a couple of my personal expressions of my travels in Ireland, specifically the city of Galway and the island of Inishmore, as well as a video of the Irish a capella singing group The High Kings.

over cold rivergalway-cathedral
old stone bridge
rain river-city
old cobble alley
little tin whistle
drunk little fiddle
walk river alley
bridge cobble singer
sing Corrib river
drunk little alley
rainy old city
sat by the quays




Inis Mór
thick black turf
topped of green
isle in rock
fare of shepherd fleecedun aengus
veined of low wall
low ancient isle stone
green covered isle
up the low hilly steep
of old rock built
Dun Aengus fort
made of old blood
made of old stone
left open to the drop
the arc of wall
hangs off the spray cliff
looks down to isle water
and out behind
at turf green old stone


Audio: TCK & CCK Concepts


OLD plus NEW = YOU

About Author

Jesse Graves

Jesse is an English and Creative Writing Graduate of Colorado State University. He is interested in storytelling and its history throughout the world, and he has traveled all around Europe from the Baltic to the Mediterranean studying and enjoying the culture and history of the area.


  1. Absolutely loved the article.  I liked how it was short and sweet, but also gave enough information to keep me interested!  Great job!

  2. I now want to travel to Ireland! The pictures and article were beautiful!

  3. I visited Ireland last summer, and you definitely captured it beautifully in this piece. It brought me right back to where I visited. Great photos as well, and the video added an extra piece of entertainment to an already entertaining article! Good work!

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