SERIES – PART 1 OF 3: Intersectionality in Comics: America Chavez Punching Through Reality, One Multiverse at a Time
With great power comes great responsibility, and America Chavez is no exception to that rule. Coming from the far reaches of the Marvel multiverse, this superheroine blasts through time and space to save the day, all the while keeping her special charm and wits in battle.
Nik Kacy’s Intersectionality Transforms the Fashion World
Immigrant, Third Culture Kid, LGBTQ+ and more, accessories designer Nik Kacy’s journey may just help you discover your own life purpose. Fashion accessory designer Nik Kacy has a message for in-betweeners: Be Unapologetically You. Though these specific words don’t fall […]
Intersectionality of TCKs and LGBTQ+
Throughout this entire process of writing for Culturs Magazine, I have been trying to connect the two worlds of Third Culture Kids and Globally Mobile Individuals with that of individuals who identify somewhere on the LGBTQQA+ spectrum. Each week, I […]
LGBTQ+ – Intersectionality Personified: Izzy’s Story
Izzy, a second year college student currently pursuing a Communication degree, spoke to us about her experience with how her international identity shows up in conjunction with her Queer identity. She spoke about the disconnect between her two worlds and […]
VIDEO: Part III: Intersectionality Personified: Izzy’s Story
As you have seen in the last two parts of this, series, TCKs and LGBTQ+ individuals have their own definitions of the cultures and communities. But what happens when we find a cross of these two lifestyles? For Izzy, her […]
Representation in Advertising: Do You See Yourself Reflected in the Brands You Love?
To create work that reflects the world, we need to be all in. Lorraine Twohill, Chief Marketing Officer of Google The World Health Organization estimates that 1.3 billion people — or one in six people worldwide — experience significant disability. […]
Roy Wol, His Growth as a Filmmaker and How Being a TCK Helps His Art
Whether gazing the moon and stars at Lac d’Annecy in France, waiting on Argentinian maté to steep in the U.K., sipping on Turkish coffee in Germany, or arriving in Austin for yet another speaking engagement at South by Southwest (SXSW) […]
Addressing Privilege — Creating the Missing Piece In My Great Love Affair With My TCK Tribe
Discovering my Third Culture Kid (TCK) identity as an adult has been like a predestined romance waiting to happen before I had the language for it. Yet throughout this love affair, realized in the process of claiming a tribe, I’ve […]