The Patriarchy is a Plague – Hyper-masculinity In the World (Part Three of Three)
In Russia there has been a lot of controversy over hyper-masculinity and the Russian Orthodox Church. These quotations are from essays written by Ukrainian university students and are illustrative of how homosexuality is perceived throughout Eastern Europe: “In my opinion, homosexuality is […]
The Patriarchy is a Plague – Hyper-masculinity In the World (Part Two of Three)
In Western countries, including America and Western Europe, hyper-masculinity is a fearfully dominant force. Although the stereotype of western European men is that they are more feminine and welcoming to emotion and a more relaxed lifestyle, this is not always […]
The Patriarchy is a Plague – Hyper-masculinity In the World (Part One of Three)
The patriarchal plague hasn’t only affected women, as many people assume because of the strong feminist movement in the past few decades. Men have been hurt by the patriarchy more than anyone would like to talk about. The biggest byproduct of […]