Friday, February 7 2025

In this fun-filled, information-rich episode, Doni welcomes Amanda Bates — founder of TheBlackExpat.com and host of the Global Chatter Podcast.

Through ubiquitous laughter, they discuss the obvious and not-so-obvious experiences of being culturally dimensional within and outside of both the Third Culture Kid (TCK) and global Black communities.

Some key quotes:

  • “We don’t get our version of ‘Eat Pray Love.'”
  • “We need a platform that showcases and normalizes black people moving abroad for regular reasons.”
  • Black people moving abroad “is part of our heritage, it’s part of our experiences.”

Strap in and prepare for a good ride!

Make sure to rate this episode with Amanda Bates on your podcast platform wherever you get your podcasts and subscribe to Destinations with Doni on that platform as well, so you never miss any of the cross-cultural goodness.

Also, follow us on social @cultursmag and join the family to get a free copy of the magazine at www.cultursmag.com.

Listen to the podcast below or click here to listen to it on your favorite podcatcher.


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About Author

Destinations with Doni

Welcome to the DESTINATIONS PODCAST: Where we Explore your Cultural Passions so you can embrace your cultural identity as we bring you tools to Live in Full Color. Destinations with Doni Segments include: Destination home—or CultursCASA Destination cuisine-Including CultursCELEBRATIONS! Destination community—Cultures. Connection with others, and Negra Como Soy (I am Afro-Latina) segments Destination relationships—Including self-care Destination passion — Business

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