Ever wondered what a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria might look like?
“Iwájú,” a new animation series produced by Pan-African entertainment company Kugali, is debuting on DisneyPlus at the end of February.
The story follows Tola, a young girl from a wealthy island, and her best friend Kole, a self-taught tech expert, as they discover the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds. Kugali filmmakers — including director Olufikayo Ziki Adeola, production designer Hamid Ibrahim and cultural consultant Toluwalakin Olowofoyeku — show the world of “Iwájú,” bursting with unique visual elements and technological advancements inspired by the spirit of Lagos.
“The heartbeat of my hometown resonates through every scene, and I am thrilled for the world to experience this unique fusion of tradition and futurism,” Adeola says.
The series is produced by Disney Animation’s Christina Chen with a screenplay by Adeola and Halima Hudson. “Iwájú” features the voices of Simisola Gbadamosi, Dayo Okeniyi, Femi Branch, Siji Soetan and Weruche Opia.
Additionally, a behind-the-scenes documentary on the series is slated for release the same day, which details how the show was made.
Check out the trailer below.