This Culturs TV Wednesday Energy Medicine Minute comes from Porto, Portugal, where Culturs experts Donna Eden, Titanya Dahlin and Dondi Dahlin demonstrate an exercise designed to encourage circulation and the flow of energy through your body.
“We have energy pathways called meridians all over the body, and when you trace them, your own energy will follow the electromagnetic energy of your hand,” according to Donna.
Energy meridians
By tracing these meridians with your hand, you can offer balance and soothe not only your energetic systems in the body but also possibly the physical aspects as well.
You can begin this simple technique by putting your arms out in front of your torso. Take a deep breath and begin to swing rhythmically back and forth from side to side, tracing the inside of each arm as you go.
Oxygen pathways
This technique is designed to help increase your oxygen pathways, which then help increase your circulation. It also is designed to support your heart. This is a great technique to move and dance with music. Have fun with this one!
Donna Eden and her daughters Titanya Dahlin and Dondi Dahlin are Culturs experts who perform Energy Minutes all around the world to bring health and healing to the Culturs TV audience. Please note the Eden Energy Medicine disclaimer by clicking here.
Check out the video on below!