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George Floyd
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The Ancient Hawaiian Practice of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.
The foundation of this practice is unity: an unbreakable bond that connects you to everyone else, even though we seem so separate.
ArticlesBlended CulturesBlended Racescross culturalcross cultureCrossing CulturesDiversityElitismExpatriatesGlobal CultureGlobal NomadMilitary B.R.A.T.sMulti-culturalmulti-racialPoliticsRacismThird Culture AdultsThird Culture Kid (TCK)World News
Part VI of VI: What Blackness Looks Like- I WANT TO BREATHE:
As I reflect upon what it still means to be black, or a person of color in the United States of America (U.S.), I think about the sleepless nights I have experienced being concerned for my black and multiracial children (especially after we returned from living overseas).