Over the past decade, social media applications and websites have soared due to the growing rate of technology. It’s weird to think that just ten years ago flip phones existed. The time of having to type a number three times just to write the letter ‘f’ no longer exists. Now, technology has allowed for almost everything to be accessible on a screen.
One company in particular has become a platform for the world to connect with each other. YouTube is a website where people can post video content. It’s a great resource to learn more about other people, other cultures, and to feel connected to someone even though they may live countries away.
Some of my favorite YouTubers include Shirley Eniang and Kezia Eniang. Their multicultural experiences shine through in their videos.
The Eniang sisters are based in London. They offer different types of video content. For example, Shirley focuses on beauty and style while Kezia focuses on West-African cooking recipes.
In one of Shirley’s videos, they girls explain their ethnicity. Their mom is half Canadian and half Ghanaian, while their dad is Nigerian. The exposure to different cultures influences the content they produce.
As women of color, the Eniang sisters inspire and create content geared for other women of color around the world. Shirley shares tips about wigs, makeup, and style. Generally, women of color are left out of the picture in terms of makeup, but she provides insight on what makeup brands best suit her skin tone.
However, if you’re into cooking more than beauty, Kezia’s channel offers unique recipes. In one of her videos, she offers viewers who may be in college some ideas of Nigerian food to make. Her channel also offers vlogs which highlight her day-to-day activities.
Overall, these ladies have brought their own spice and flare to their YouTube channels. If you want to learn more about different cultures and lifestyles, I recommend hitting their subscribe button to always stay up to date with their content.
Love the connection between YouTube and sharing multicultural experiences. I’m excited to see more people connect over their stories. I think it will make the world a more open-minded place.
Cool article! I’ve never thought about how much Youtube does to connect us as people and allow us to share our stories. It’s a great TCK platform . . .
From my opinion, video as one of the method to inform people, educate people, impact people’s thought like audio or article, but it is more influential because the visuals are more directly affect people. I’ve seen the videos of the Eniang sisters!!! And i love it… You are right, Youtube can be a universal language. I’m following many multicultural Youtubers, some of the videos surely affected me.
This article was very inspiring. I love how these sisters have a passion for bringing people together in a world that seems to want to discriminate and tear people apart. I loved the makeup aspect as well. It seems like all beauty tutorials are geared towards white females when in all reality, like most things, should be centered around equality.
Great job identifying culture within the culture and construct of youtube itself. Loved the use of names examples within the article.
YouTube is a great place to find people that you relate with, for everyone, everywhere. Sometimes, here in the States I’ll find myself in a ‘section’ of YouTube that relates entirely to someone of a different culture and all of the videos in my recommended will start to fall suit of that one certain culture. It’s neat how many people can find entertainment through a website that advocates for everyone on one serve. Pretty cool stuff. Everyone has a place in YouTube!