When you hear the word “noodle”, most people picture classic Italian and Asian meals. Spaghetti and meatballs, pho duy, Fettuccine Alfredo, and pad thai are just a few dishes that come to mind. For the most part, these cultures represent the majority of pasta dishes, but many other countries around the world have their own take on on “the noodle”. The following list highlights some of these unusual plates.
1. Spaetzle
Starting the list off is Spaetzle, a classic German egg noodle dish, literally translates into “little sparrows.” This handmade pasta gets it’s name from its uneven shape obtained from making the noodle by hand or with a spoon. Often served dressed in melted butter and parsley, Spaetzle remains one Germany’s most popular dishes.
2. Berkoukes
Berkoukes, similar to couscous, is a larger pebble sized pasta found in many Moroccan and Algerian dishes. Made primarily from durum wheat, berkoukes is usually steamed in broth and mixed in with seasonal vegetables. Though very popular, older generations are the only ones still making it by hand.
3. Csipetke
This Hungarian noodle gets its name from its free-formed “pinched” look. In fact, csípni in Hungarian means to pinch. Made out of flour and eggs, this noodle is very easy to make. Often served in soups or broth, you can usually find Csipetke in Hungarian meals, typically as a first course.
4. Koshary
Photo By: Arria Belli https://www.flickr.com/photos/24363893@N00/2690195750/
This unusual noodle dish is a true representation of the land and culture from which it originates. You can find koshary, the national dish of Egypt, at almost all of the countries food stands and restaurants. Originating from a time when families used up whatever food could be found in the pantry, Koshary is made from a mixture of rice, lentils and macaroni topped with a tomato vinegar sauce.
5. Mantoo
Photo By: Jason Lam https://www.flickr.com/photos/mesohungry/3939261021/in/photostream/
Though not typically thought of of having noodles in their cuisine, this Afghan dish is served with many meals. Mantoo is a stuffed noodle dumpling filled with meats and veggies, served with a red sauce and yogurt sauce. Often steamed, you can find these dumplings being sold by most street vendors and restaurants.