This is the third part of the Chechaouen series. Scroll below for travel photographs and more information about the Moroccan city, or click here to read the part 1 article and here to see the part 2 photo series.
In a dark store, soft yellows and reds stand out to passing customers (Photo Credit: Anna Groeling).
Laundry hangs out to dry in a place where a couple stray cats soak up the sun (Photo Credit: Anna Groeling).
Soaps, spices and various local products are stored in beautiful baskets (Photo Credit: Anna Groeling).
Small red flowers contrast against the light blues of the street in the medina (Photo Credit: Anna Groeling).
Most products, including blankets and ceramics, are hand-made by the locals (Photo Credit: Anna Groeling).
Chefchaouen was originally built as a small fortress. Its walls date back to the 15th century (Photo Credit: Anna Groeling).
On a walk up towards a nearby waterfall, locals lay out their laundry by a river (Photo Credit: Anna Groeling).
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