Friday, February 7 2025
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photo courtesy of George and Vonda Sisneros

Ordinary Missionaries 

The stories of George And Vonda Sisneros as they work in the village of El Rosario, Guatemala

What would you do if God asked you to sell everything you own and follow him to another country?

In July of 2012, that’s exactly what my wife and I did with our three kids.  When we got to Guatemala we didn’t have a missionary budget.  We had no money.  We couldn’t build houses or start a feeding center.  All we could do was give hugs and pray.  And that was enough.

Since then we have started an academy where we teach bible and help young boys learn English.  We walk beside single moms as they fight to feed their families and we have hosted over a dozen short term mission trips, giving others the opportunity to see first hand what God is doing in the little village of El Rosario.

Follow our journey and learn about the country we now call home.  Our journey is told through unique photos and stories and end with Guatemala facts that we hope will help you fall in love with the beautiful people and culture.

Stay tuned to Culturs.guru as we follow George, Vonda and family as life unfolds in Guatemala.  It’s quite the adventure on many levels.  And if you’d like to assist in their work in Guatemala, click here.


The feature photo for this article is original artwork by Vonda Sisneros, a full time missionary serving in Guatemala.  Vonda graduated from Colorado State University with Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and loves to paint the world around her.  100% of proceeds help George and Vonda Sisneros and their three children continue to serve as Christian Missionaries in Guatemala.  To learn more about what George and Vonda do, visit their About Page.



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About Author

George and Vonda Sisneros

George and Vonda Sisneros and their family live in El Rosario, Guatemala (a small village tucked in the mountains of Guatemala) and work with the people there. People like Maria, a single mom of 4 boys, who is defying the odds. She is fighting for her boys and for their future. You see, There’s a silent epidemic eroding families in the villages of Guatemala -- the absence of fathers. Men are leaving their families; leaving an aftermath of mothers and children to fend for themselves. The Sisneros family left a comfortable life in the U.S. to work with the women and the boys of El Rosario to help make a difference for the future. These are their stories along the way.

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