Friday, February 7 2025

Millennials in today’s global society do not have the most positive reputation among other generations. However, this generation could foster the possible change in order to begin a more progressive way of thinking about global communications and culture.

Claudia Körbler, an adult TCK, communications strategist at the UN, global storyteller, and a millennial herself, believes that the reputation of the generation doesn’t seem to match up.

“It is often said that millennials can be slackers, but through my work I have seen the contrary,” Körbler explains. “I believe that millennials can bring fresh ideas to long standing institutions, that can really engage and empower them to challenge the status quo, and bring innovation that older generations may not have thought about.”

Körbler believes that diversity and inclusiveness in global communications are extremely important, but are nowhere near where they need to be currently. We need to take that age gap being experienced in global communications, and make it a bridge instead. Körbler believes that millennials can be that bridge.

One reason for this is often similar to one that allows millennials to gain a lot of slack: technology. “Our minds will always think globally, and that separates us,” Körbler exclaims. The resources of smart phones and the internet often cause people to call millennials things like lazy and unintelligent, but also gives this generation the unique opportunity to connect with people from all over the world, making their perspectives new and insightful on a global level.

“It is often said that millennials can be slackers, but through my work I have seen the contrary,” Körbler explains. “I believe that millennials can bring fresh ideas to long standing institutions, that can really engage and empower them to challenge the status quo, and bring innovation that older generations may not have thought about.”

One example of millennials being an active avenue of change was during the creation of the Youth to Youth (Y2Y) Community through the World Bank Group, Körbler noted. Fourteen mid-career professionals working for the World Bank inspired the institution, and stepped out to give youth a voice.

“We matched millennials with mentors, and what we have seen the most is that the mentor is instead inspired by the millennial,” says Körbler. “Growing partnerships can influence a group of more impactful millennials to push forward with new ideas, as the saying ‘your vibe attracts your tribe’ can really influence the community of like-minded people to create new perspectives of globalism.”

The ways millennials grew up is completely different from their parents’ generations in terms of how to survive in society, according to Körbler.

“No one taught [older generations] the blueprint, and they just had to figure out how to live with what they had to survive. There wasn’t the courage or push to step outside the status quo, but millennials have the ability to create their own potential within themselves and how they want to see the world,” Körbler explained.

Körbler’s advice to millennials is to “say yes to many odd opportunities” and “try out as many flavors of life and culture as possible”.

“If you travel, push your emotional envelope to the point of being uncomfortable, so that you get to know yourself better,” Körbler suggests. “Try many cultural flavors so that you can discover your favorite one and go from there.”

“One mistake I have made is that I always asked myself what I should be when I go up,” says Körbler. “Instead, we should ask ‘what is next today?’. Take one hour at a time, because everything we do matters. In the U.S. especially, [millennials] often are trying to find unique ways to stand out, but forget the projection we have of ourselves because we are stuck in the future. Be mindful of today instead.”



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About Author


With passion for Journalism and Media Communications, Olive Ancell is a Third Culture Adult and content creator who is passionate about social and cultural differences that have the potential to bring the world's people together. She has traveled to nine countries, which has influenced her love of travel and the desire to share unique world perspectives that can offer unlimited opportunities to connect people in different ways. Her talents in content creating include photography, videography, writing, and multiple art mediums. Ancell believes the power of media is one of the most powerful tools for international awareness and communication, which can be utilized or abused. Olive is determined to be a part of a larger picture, in which the use of media for coverage ranging from hyper-local to international is encouraged to celebrate and elevate diversity and all of the Earth's spectacular cultures.

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