Although the issue of food waste around the world is still very prevalent, food providers and distributers are starting to take a stance. Here’s a new company that has decided to take this issue by storm and do something about it.
Introducing Eden Juice. They make cold-pressed juices from ‘imperfectly shaped’ fruits and vegetables. They pride themselves on selecting the misfits that wouldn’t normally be picked out at grocery stores or that wouldn’t even make it to the grocery store. These misfits may look funny or bruised, but they still deliver the same delecious taste and health benefits. Eden Juice started this revolution after realizing that in America, 40% of the food that is grown is thrown away just because it doesn’t meet cosmetic standards.

Although this project is still at a young stage, they recently made their KickStarter goal with $16,258 and plan to begin production at a large scale.
“Sustainable. Eden juices are made from fruits and vegetables that would otherwise be thrown away because they don’t meet our purely cosmetic standards. So we’re reducing food waste, all the while educating people about what is really important when it comes to food: nutrition.” -Eden Juice
How are they doing this might you ask? Dan Blake, the company’s co-founder shared with FoodBeast that Eden Juice works with produce wholesalers as well as working with actual farmers. Once the juice starts being produced, each bottle will sell for approximately $7.99/bottle.
On more of a local scale, organizations at Colorado State University’s campus have decided to donate the produce they don’t end up using. The Head Chef at sorority Zeta Tau Alpha feeds around 55 women every day. Chef Marty Tjelmeland makes an impact by donating excess produce, frozen chicken and beef, butter and bacon to the Fort Collins Rescue Mission.