As a Third Culture Kid (TCK), you understand sometimes feelings of sadness and isolation need to be dealt with because of your mobile lifestyle. Having to adapt to new cultures and environments sometimes leads to moments uncertainty about our own identities – and that can be draining when you’re becoming the success you are meant to be. This article is the first of a three part series about how TCKs can overcome feelings loneliness:
SUGGESTION NUMBER ONE: Get a hobby you can share.
I suggest home brewing for those TCK’s who value their alone time but still want to create friendships within their communities. Home brewing allows someone to develop a beverage independently THEN share it’s deliciousness with friends and acquaintances at a later date.
Here’s the quick version. You can brew all types of alcohol at home – – – beer, wine, spirits, malts, meads, rice wines, ciders, you might know of some that a quick Google search wouldn’t provide the masses, feel free to do that! Just make it something that you enjoy. Be warned: some of these alcohols are illegal to brew at home, so check with your government and state laws before jumping into this activity.
Me personally? I acknowledge beer as one of the best alcoholic beverages around, if you agree this next part will get you excited! If not, skip to the end! That being said, home brewing of beer has been around since people have been around. The first evidence of this was found in Mesopotamia about 7,000 years ago. Today there are home brewing supply stores throughout the world for you and I to produce our own craft brews.
Home brewing allows you to decide what kinds of grains you want to ferment! Here are some examples of what you could do.. In the past, Africans largely used maize, millet and cassava. North Americans used persimmon, although agave was used in Mexico; South Americans used corn, and Brazilians – sweet potatoes. Traveling East, the Japanese used rice, Chinese, wheat; while other Asian cultures processed sorghum. Russians used rye, and Egyptians, barley. Thus, there are numerous combinations to produce a home brew that is a unique, cultural experience.
This could help you feel closer to your own roots, or closer to the community you’re currently living in. The beauty of any hobby is there is no right or wrong, do what you want! Or do what the expert at the department store suggests – it don’t matta’.
Those who enjoy craft beer will produce about 50 bottles worth of a homemade craft, per batch, to serve at an event for new acquaintances and friends. 50 beers!!! Seems like this hobby could become a cost effective and fun activity for you.
All in all, home brewing is a great activity to help our highly mobile community learn about ourselves as well as involve those acquaintances and friends around us, into our lives. Bring people into your circle and connect with them over a fresh glass of (insert desired alcohol here) that you created!
SUGGESTION NUMBER TWO to overcoming TCK blues: help someone else overcome loneliness.