“I’m on a BIG mission to help military, expatriate and other globally mobile people around the world have easy access to experts and resources to help transition from feelings of loss & overwhelm to flourishing in the life they dream of and deserve!
Dr. Paulette Bethel, CMC
Danau TanuWhy Are All the “Korean” Kids
Sitting Together in the Cafeteria
Hear “outside the box” thinking on her emergent TCK/Cross-Cutural Kids paradigm
Danau Tanu
Adjunct Lecturer, University of Western Australia
Cross-Cultural Kid/Third Culture Kid
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Danau Tanu is a TCK/CCK and a “doctor-in-waiting.” She passed her doctoral dissertation on Third Culture Kids through the University of Western Australia where she also works as an adjunct lecturer. She was born in Canada to a Chinese Indonesian father and Japanese mother, and speaks four languages. The work of Brice Royer (
TCKid.com), Ruth Van Reken and David Pollock changed her life. Danau has published a chapter in
Writing Out of Limbo: International Childhoods, Global Nomads and Third Culture Kids, an edited collection by Gene H. Bell-Villada and Nina Sichel.
- The diversity of the Third Culture Kid experience.
- Her qualitative research study – design and outcomes
- Real-life examples and findings from her research related to “self-segregation” at international schools
- Internalized racism and why it matters