Janelle Patrick
Metail’s Virtual Fitting Room Enhances Online Shopping
Online shopping can be a tricky process. You find an outfit you want, but can’t imagine what it will look like on you or which size is right. And while a model demonstrating clothes is better than a mannequin, it […]
Ten Fashion Bloggers Serving International Inspiration
1. Camille Co, ‘Camille Tries to Blog‘, Philippines Camille doesn’t just try to blog, she succeeds at it! Vibrant photos and impeccable taste makes her the perfect person to turn to for fashion inspiration. She even has her own clothing […]
When Cultural Fashion Inspiration Turns into a Stereotypical Mess
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, right? This may ring true when adopting a trend seen during Fashion Week, but there is nothing flattering about a brand imitating other cultures for popularity and sales. Each culture holds its own […]
Lacking Diversity in the Modeling World
Have you ever flipped through a magazine or saw a commercial and thought the models looked predominantly caucasian? Unfortunately, race has been a recurring issue in the modeling industry since its start, either showing under representation of a race or […]