“Lakota Nation vs. United States” is a documentary film currently streaming online that chronicles the Lakota peoples’ efforts to reclaim their land.
Directed by Jesse Short Bull and Laura Tomaselli, the film is available to rent on Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and others.
The film documents the efforts of Black Hills Justice, a movement led by Lakota Nations, treaty councils, elders and guided by Tunkashila to return Indigenous lands to Indigenous hands.
Currently the Black Hills are mostly “owned” by the U.S. Federal Government, with the U.S. Forest Service in charge of 1.5 million acres in South Dakota and Wyoming; the National Park Service runs 41,500 acres, including:
- Wind Cave National Park: 38,971 acres
- Mt. Rushmore National Park: 1,238 acres
- Jewel Cave National Park: 1,274 acres
- South Dakota State Parks: 71,000 acres
Private individuals and corporations own 300,000 acres, while Indigenous Tribes own a paltry 2,000 acres.
For more info, check out the trailer below or go to blackhillsjustice.org.