Saturday, February 15 2025

Change is everywhere.

Raise your hand if, in early 2020, you worried that the COVID-19 global pandemic would last for . . . months! Fast forward to today (over two years later), and most of us realize the “before times” are forever gone and, like it or not, there is no going back to what was.

Everything has changed. Everything.

The old rules no longer apply and our past playbooks are useless. Nothing can be assumed or taken for granted — careers, commerce, public health, education, financial markets, climate, societal norms, families, technology, political systems, food systems . . . it’s all shifting under our feet.

So, what do we do now?

Perhaps a better question to ask is “Who do we want to be now?”

In other words, as a unique individual with many layers of experiences, skills, identities, interests and passions, how can you show up and thrive in an ever-changing future, with grace and resilience?

If you’ve been asking yourself this question — “Who do I want to be now?” — then I invite you to check out the work of two incredible women who are helping people to create new frameworks for thriving into this rapidly changing future.

What’s my mindset around change?

When April Rinne was a junior in college and studying in the UK, she received a phone call from her sister. “April, are you sitting down?” she asked. “I need you to sit down.” Then she broke the news. “Mom and dad were killed in a car accident. You need to come home.”

“Whatever I thought my future was going to be, vanished,” Rinne explained from the TEDxFrankfurt stage. “My entire world became flux. I had to let go of the future I had in mind, and the future my parents wanted for me. Little did I know that in the process I was planting the seed of a superpower.”

Rinne defines this, and other superpowers, in her new book “Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change.” The book captures several decades of lessons she gleaned from her travel to over 100 countries as well as her history as a futurist, advisor, global development executive, microfinance lawyer, investor, mental health advocate, certified yoga teacher and (as she highlights), an insatiable handstander. 

“’Flux’ is not about change management. It’s about understanding our relationship to change, from the inside out, and how it shapes and colors every decision we make. Do you come to change from a place of hope or fear? Do you see uncertainty as dangerous or as an adventure for your curiosity? What were you taught about change when you were growing up? We need to examine and reshape our relationship to change to be fit for a world in flux.”

Change and a ‘Flux Mindset’

Rinne shows us that the best way to prepare for the future is to develop a “flux mindset,” a critical skill for thriving in an ever-accelerating world.

“The pace of change has never been as fast as it is today, and yet it is likely to never again be this slow,” Rinne points out. “Just pause for a moment and take that in.”

For many, the thought of a world that will never slow down again is overwhelming.

“There is a lot of anxiety — both latent and overt. We worry about today and fear the future. Rather than letting that fester, a flux mindset is how you turn that anxiety into action. You can’t control the future, but you can control how you contribute to the future you’d like to see.” 

The pace of change has never been as fast as it is today, and yet it is likely to never again be this slow.

April Rinne

Not all change is ‘bad’

Rinne points out that not all change is “bad” or something to be avoided. In fact, most of us who feel at home in a globalized world are used to uncertainty and often welcome change — but, not always.

“We love change that we opt in to. We resist the change we can’t control — the kind that blindsides us, that goes against our expectations, that changes our plans (or disrupts them entirely),” she says. In today’s world “there is no steady state. There is no end game. There is just more change. So, if we think of our mindset as a kind of muscle, we realize it’s something that we can (and need to) strengthen through daily practice.”

So, how can you develop a Flux Mindset? Rinne shares three key pieces of advice:

  1. Look to other cultures — they can teach us a lot about impermanence, change, and flux. For example, most of the population of Mongolia are nomadic, moving and rebuilding their homes three times a year, in harmony with the seasons. Rather than making them fearful or anxious, this makes them strong and resilient.
  2. Expand your peripheral vision — literally and figuratively. Rinne calls peripheral vision the awareness of everything you’re not looking at. Expanding this view can help you notice things you didn’t see before, and even reduce your anxiety.
  3. Learn to let go — not of the past, but of the future. This is the central difference between those who can thrive in a world of constant flux and those who crumble. Letting go isn’t about giving up. It’s about non-attachment and non-grasping (or the yogic principle of “aparigraha”).
8 Superpowers of a Flux Mindset, Courtesy of April Rinne

Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change is exactly the book we need right now in order to come out of hiding and move with confidence along with a world that is emerging into being. The future is something we can never predict, but with the right mindset we can help to shape it.

Find tools and resources to develop your Flux Mindset, plus travel and handstand inspiration, at https://fluxmindset.com.

Who am I, professionally?

For those of us that identify as “in between” — straddling culture, ethnicity, race, or place — we may already see ourselves as “hybrid” in our personal identity. Yet, chances are many of us are still stuck in old professional paradigms that tell us we must niche ourselves into a narrow career field or define ourselves by our job titles. 

“COVID-19 has sent a wave of professional identity crises across the country and around the world,” explains Dr. Sarabeth Berk. “It is something millions of people are going through, but lack the language to communicate it because professional hybridity often defies language and categorization.”

Now, Dr. Berk is helping people to clearly define and leverage their professional hybridity through her book, “More Than My Title: The Power of Hybrid Professionals in a Workforce of Experts and Generalists.”

‘Not a pipe’

Dr. Sarabeth Berk's "More Than My Title: The Power of Hybrid Professionals in a Workforce of Experts and Generalists"
Dr. Sarabeth Berk’s ‘More Than My Title: The Power of Hybrid Professionals in a Workforce of Experts and Generalists’

Earlier in her own career, Dr. Berk experienced her own professional identity crisis. As an artist, researcher, educator, and designer, she had a rich and varied experience. Yet, it was hard to know what to call herself on a resume or job application. It seemed there was always a pressure to adopt standardized titles to appear marketable. This meant sacrificing or hiding parts of her skills and talents and watering down her unique value proposition. Then she noticed something.

“I was looking at an art book and noticed a painting by surrealist René Magrite [“The Treachery of Images”]. The picture shows a tobacco pipe, and below it he painted, ‘This is not a pipe.’ What he was inferring is that the painting is a representation of the thing, it’s not the thing itself. When we label things, we say, ‘Oh, that’s a pipe.’ But, it’s not a pipe.”

“That’s what’s happening with our professional identity. I call myself a teacher, but that’s not really who I am – I am so much more than this title. So, what if we give ourselves the power and permission to decide what we want to be named instead of accepting an arbitrary title? If I want to call myself a Creative Disruptor, no one can tell me that I’m wrong. But, this title has to be something that truly resonates with me – if it feels weird, I’m not going to use it.”

‘Creative disruptor’

Dr. Berk began using the title of “Creative Disruptor,” which made it possible for her to not only incorporate all of her skills, talents, and experiences but also allowed her to truly stand out in the employment marketplace.

Dr. Sarabeth Berk, author of 'More Than My Title: The Power of Hybrid Professionals in a Workforce of Experts and Generalists'
Dr. Sarabeth Berk

“Up until now we’ve only had two ways to describe our professional identity,” Berk explained from the TEDxBoulder stage. “The first way is singularity — you’re a specialist or expert. The second way is multiplicity — people who ‘wear a lot of hats.’ Hybridity gives us permission to integrate — blending and combining professional identities together and working at the intersections. For a hybrid professional, the intersections are where their unique value lies; it’s their ‘secret sauce.’ From this vantage point, you can do and see things no one else can.”

“It’s not about going back to the drawing board, but identifying values, passion, and purpose,” she continued. “What do you care about, what do you love to do, and what do you call yourself when you’re doing it?”

‘Great reinvention’

Today, Dr. Berk’s early insights on trends in professional identities has turned out to be exactly what we need in this so-called “Great Resignation.” Although instead, Berk refers to this as the era of the “Great Reinvention.” Rather than relying on old models to define ourselves and our careers, Dr. Berk believes it is time to explore new ways to think about our skills, passions, experience, and the value we bring to the world. And, ideally, Berk recommends we leverage the power of intentional community to maximize our insights.

It’s not about going back to the drawing board, but identifying values, passion, and purpose. What do you care about, what do you love to do, and what do you call yourself when you’re doing it?

Dr. Sarabeth Berk

“There is a power and synergy that is available to participants of cohort-style workshops,” she said. “I’ve witnessed it many times: People are reflecting off each other and seeing one another’s identities in new ways. The things we take for granted are usually signs of our hybridity — they are the things that come naturally and feel effortless.”

Fortunately, Dr. Berk offers a number of cohort-based workshops, resources and tools through her website MoreThanMyTitle.com. If you are ready to deconstruct your professional identity and be part of the Great Reinvention, this is the perfect place to start.

Moving Confidently Into Uncertainty

Everything changes — it is the nature of reality, and always has been. Once we can fully accept this, we can start to embrace a flux mindset, claim our own unique professional identity, and move confidently and joyfully into an uncertain future.


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About Author

Andrea Bazoin

Culturs Technology Columnist Andrea Bazoin (say “Bah-Zwah”) is a CCK higher education professional turned entrepreneur, business consultant, wellness advocate, and writer. Her family ties stretch across the United States and beyond, including Chile, Argentina, Australia, and France. Andrea currently lives in Fort Collins, CO with her French husband and their culturally-fluid son. Learn more at www.andreabazoin.com.


  1. This article gave me so much insight on ways I can open my eyes and slow down in this everchanging world. The FLUX mindset is an interesting concept and seems extremely beneficial to living our lives confidently. It definitely helped me look forward to my future. I have trouble with hyper-focusing on the future and its potential disruptions. This gave me some great advice on how I can navigate what is coming.

    1. I’m so pleased this was helpful to you. I highly encourage you to go beyond the article and dive into the resources that Rinne and Berk have put together. They are both truly amazing thinkers and teachers with incredible models to share.

  2. This article was very interesting and relatable in the sense of change and how hard it has been since the pandemic. With times constantly changing, it’s important to know how to cope with change and how to be culturally mobile and fluid. Knowing how to evolve and adapt to different situations and environments is an important skill. This reminded me of Third Culture Kids and how they have always been forced to adapt to change and this causes them to feel like they don’t belong. Having various experiences of change growing up can confuse the adolescent brain. However, being able to know how change affects you can help you become more adaptable and have a sense of belonging within yourself.

    1. Yes! Isn’t it wonderful to learn that the growth you’ve experienced within the struggle to fit in and adapt can now become your superpower? You’re ahead of the curve – poised to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.

  3. This article really tied back to those notions we were always taught in high school when the pandemic hit. The ideas of hybridity, accepting and going with the change, and allowing ourselves to be flexible all forced us to change and in a way become partners with change, not it’s opponent. Control, especially, is one of those things you have to constantly work at and check in on yourself to see if your grip is too strong on something or not when it comes to the ever changing scope of our world today. To see ourselves apply this to our lives NOW, I think we’re finally forced to consider it and not just bat it away to return to later. We couldn’t veer around a pandemic so whose to say we’ll be able to avoid the next big change.

    1. That’s very interesting to know this is something you were taught in high school. The narrative I was taught was based on a linear model of career advancement – the corporate ladder. It’s hopeful to know that a new perspective has naturally emerged that will serve everyone much better – leaving more space for individual genius and more inclusivity.

  4. Change has always been difficult, but the author captures that sense of urgency so well. As TCKS, and also just as global citizens, it often feels like whiplash trying to get used to changes that came with the pandemic. Great article, I will definitely continue to take influence from other cultures, as I believe “flux” attitudes are most important in modern day job markets.

    1. Yes, I truly appreciate the way both Rinne and Berk acknowledge the difficulty, yet opportunity, in change. I invite you to explore their work – both have so much value to bring to this conversation.

  5. I thought that this article was very interesting and relevant to the current circumstances we as a planet have endured. I think that change isn’t something that is often acknowledged, especially when it comes to how it effects certain people. I thought that the FLUX mindset was beneficial to read about. As someone that deals with anxiety disorder, I found it refreshing to learn about mental changes that are generally positive. The FLUX mindset is definetly something that can be learned over time, and if taught to more people at younger ages, I think that it could ultimately effect some of the mental health issues they younger generations deal with.

    1. Sydnee, this is a very interesting perspective – thank you for sharing about your own mental health challenges. I think you’re absolutely right – if we can embrace change and recognize there are very few black and white answers, it may create some mental and emotional space for variance in perspectives and “answers.” Hopefully this may mean fewer people feel “wrong” in their thinking, or stuck in a paradigm that doesn’t fit their life’s vision.

  6. Wow, what a great article! Life changed a lot for me when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, and even as the world seems to be re-adjusting, lately, I’ve found myself struggling more often. As someone who deals with an anxiety disorder, any change, big or small, often creates a wave of unpleasant emotions for me that I honestly don’t know how to deal with. However, reading about the “Flux mindset” was like learning about an entire new perspective. As life continues to throw change at me (being a fresh, out-of-state college student) I will strive to focus more on the flux mindset, and see the positive sides of these changes.

    1. I’m so glad you experienced a perspective shift after reading this piece. I absolutely changed my thinking after reading FLUX and taking Dr. Berk’s More Than My Title course. Both really helped me to find a way into a state of thriving, post Covid (and I’ve long since graduated from college). I think these ideas are universally applicable, now more than ever. Thanks for your feedback.

  7. What a fantastically needed article in today’s social climate! I agree that when things seem to be out of control and crazy, we all just need to take a step back, take a breath, and remember that change often leads to growth. If we focus on what matters most to us, then sudden changes in our life seem less drastic. Whenever I am stressed and anxious beyond functionality, I always remember the five-by-five rule. This rule basically states that if a change in my life won’t matter or have much of an impact on my life in five years, then I shouldn’t be wasting more than five minutes worrying/stressing about it.

  8. This was actually really helpful and current article. I didn’t realize I needed it until I started reading. I started college during the pandemic and only recently sort of regret not waiting a couple years before going to school. For a year or so I had been sort of frozen in time just existing not really building anywhere. With Covid-19 my entire perspective of who and what I wanted to do did a 360. Entering college I was even more lost. I think over all this experience I have grown and learned a lot about myself. But this article is needed for people who had major changes during Covid-19 or not. The pandemic really changes perspective on everything. I hope one day I can achieve a more flux mindset from now on. It is a much more kinder way to help see growth in yourself.

    1. Wow, Julie, I can only imagine how challenging it has been for you to have started college in the middle of a global pandemic. This is already such a hugely pivotal time in a person’s life. Adding so much uncertainty about the future to the mix – whew, I’m quite sure you grew. And, yet, I hear you that you’ve felt frozen in time. I also appreciate that a FLUX mindset gives you (and everyone around you) the grace to grow and change. This is a more natural state of being. I encourage you to also check out More Than My Title – it’s the perspective I wish I would have had as a college student. Best of luck to you!

  9. I absolutely loved reading this… I don’t think there is anyone that cannot relate to feeling this way, especially recently. When everything became uncertain, we faced the challenge of change in a way that many people were not only unprepared for, but many also felt was unfair. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and change of losing both parents tragically at such a young age. That makes this article even more impactful and I love that you touched on that background tid-bit from the beginning. You did a great job of including credible sources, resources for those who need to dive into the flux mindset even further, and highlight key points. I want my writing to be meaningful, and if it isn’t obvious, this article is exactly that. This touches a territory that is sensitive for any reader, but you did an amazing job of demonstrating these strategies with positivity and understanding. Definitely a very inclusive read for an audience of any background and culture. Thank you!

    1. My goodness, you just made my day. I was truly honored to uplift the work of these amazing and insightful women who have personally changed my own perspective, along with so many others. I am grateful for the opportunity to share impactful and inclusive stories through my Culturs Magazine column. Thank you for taking the time to read this piece, and for your comments and thoughts.

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