Saturday, January 25 2025
To Those Who Feel Like They Don't Belong - Katrina Kubo YouTube

Katrina Kubo On ‘To Those Who Feel Like They Don’t Belong’

Photo courtesy Edward James Olmos

Edward James Olmos on Growing Up In a Diverse Neighborhood (Part 1 of 3)

YouTube Video of Dr. Kim TallBear

Polyamory Relationships Part I of III — Colonial Sexuality

Image shows cherry blossoms in Japan, a large source of inspiration for Yoku Shimizu and her work.

Yuko Shimizu: An Artist with Stunning Cross-Cultural Influences

Destinations Podcast with Doni Aldine: Patricia 'REIGN' Reign On Her Cross-Cultural Journey As A First-Generation Haitian-American

Destinations Podcast with Doni Aldine: Patricia ‘REIGN’ Reign On Her Cross-Cultural Journey As A First-Generation Haitian-American (AUDIO)

'Missing the Sheep' documentary

Upcoming ‘Missing The Sheep’ Documentary Looks at Memories of A Student Exchange Semester

Gillian Anderson’s Revolutionary Third Culture Experience and the Struggle she Faces

selfie of fellow multicultural students looking at camera

The Benefits of Cultural Exchange Programs for Students

Rio 2016: Refugee Olympic Team (ROT) to Symbolize Hope

Could The Growth In Popularity Of The Holi Festival Of Spring Lose Its Significance?

Traciana Graves, speaker, strategist and CEO for The VLNetwork. Photo by Tommy McMillion

Adult Third Culture Kid Traciana Graves is committed to changing the world.

As founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Visionary Leader Network (The VLNetwork or VLN), she extends two decades of work as a corporate strategist, keynote speaker and internationally acclaimed vocalist into a platform that serves the masses. The VLNetwork is a global media platform producing content, events and courses that drive visionaries to launch and scale entrepreneurial ventures.

Third Culture Roots

Graves is a native New Yorker who grew up between Paris and Harlem. She studied at the Sorbonne and graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in languages and international relations. After undergrad, she toured throughout the world with artists including Celine Dion and six-time Grammy award-winning Steel Pulse. During this time, she also developed curricula and workshops for orphanages and international organizations.

The Visionary Leader Network

Traciana Graves photo in studio at Culturs Magazine.
Graves is determined to change the world through true inclusion. Photo by Tommy McMillion
Traciana Graves. Photo by Tommy McMillion

VLN media properties, which includes a blog, web TV series and podcast, work to “get to the story behind the story” by acknowledging the human factors that unite and motivate us. Says Graves, “We cannot ignore the humanness that is at play in every move and decision we make —  [VLN is] unlike other platforms that niche down their content to business strategies, they are cutting out the human conversations that unite us all.”

Making a difference

As she continues to work with companies and organizations throughout the U.S., Graves uses VLN to promote authentic leadership, inclusion and innovation through digital storytelling.

Find out more at TracianaGraves.Com


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About Author


CULTURS is a global, multi-cultural philanthropic lifestyle network that activates 21st Century cultural diversity through media, products and experiences for "in-between" populations. CULTURS includes topics of interest to these culturally fluid populations, including multiethnic, multicultural, mixed-race and geographically mobile people (like immigrants, refugees and Third Culture Kids) highlighting items of importance to or topics of interest to their backgrounds.

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