Wednesday, February 12 2025
Wire headband made by the Mostacillas de Fe
Wire headband made by the Mostacillas de Fe

It would seem difficult to be able to help people in Uganda, India, and Peru without spending thousands of dollars on airfare. However, a small business in the northern United States is making charitable work a one-stop shop.

Art 2 Heart is an organization with a Christian background that creates and buys jewelry, accessories, and housewares to sell with proceeds going to charitable causes. It is entirely volunteer run.

The gift shop is based out of Hamel, Minn., a quiet suburb on the outskirts of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul.

One of the original staples to the shop was flatware decorated with wire and bead designs. These creations helped benefit a village in Zambia the shop was able to adopt with the help of World Vision.

Now Art 2 Heart is partnered with ten charitable organizations around the world. Some of these include: Kids Inspiring Kids in Uganda, Grace International World Outreach in the Philippines and Vietnam, and EFCA Touchglobal Justice Initiatives in India.

A newer addition, that I was able to see the benefits of, was Peruvian Partners in Flores de Villa, a section of Lima, Peru.

The Mostacillas de Fe
The Mostacillas de Fe

The women of the area, known as the “Mostacillas de Fe” (meaning beads of faith), are taught how to make a different craft every year while a team is on a mission trip to the area. One year they made birds nest charms using pearls and wire. Another year they made flowers using fabric and wire that were used to make things such as the headband shown.

The products are then sent back to Minnesota to be sold. The women are paid for their work and the profit made in the gift shop goes back to benefit the community.

Art 2 Heart is a great example of a small business that is helping to make a difference in parts all over the world. They used fashion as a way to provide people with things they need. That may be education for children or building wells in struggling villages.

Art 2 Heart’s distance from the places they help has not stopped them from finding a way to contribute.

To visit their online shop, click here.


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About Author

Emily Short

Emily is a TCK and a military brat who has spent about as much time living in the states as outside of it while growing up. She enjoys experiencing other cultures and always has an itch to travel. She has a love of art, running, and great music and books.

1 comment

  1. This article reminds me of an organization that would often come to my church growing up, and they had all kinds of beautiful jewelery but they also had woven baskets, wood carved figures, and fair trade chocolate and coffee! I still have some of the jewelry I bought then, and love telling the story behind it when people ask!

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