Want relief from headaches? This Culturs TV Wednesday Energy Medicine Minute comes from Wotton House in Dorking, England, where Culturs experts Donna Eden, Titanya Dahlin and Dondi Dahlin demonstrate an Energy Medicine technique designed to help offer you exactly that.
‘Headache points’
There are two wonderful points at the top of your neck and the bottom of your head — about 1.5 inches (3.81cm) apart. These are considered by traditional Chinese medicine as “headache points.” These points are also considered the entry points for electro-magnetic energies into your body. And, as Donna says by massaging these points, “they will calm your nervous system.”
How to find them to relieve headaches
Find these points by locating the small indents at the top of your neck and bottom of your head and massage deeply into them while breathing with intention. This will help bring relief for your headaches while simultaneously calming the nervous system.
Eden and her two daughters, Dondi and Titanya, are Culturs experts who perform Energy Minutes all around the world to bring health and healing to the Culturs TV audience. Please note the Eden Energy Medicine disclaimer by clicking here.
Check out the video below on XOTV.me!

This was a very fun read and I enjoyed learning about this new technique. Every culture brings new ideas to the table and learning about headache relief strategies from around the world certainly helps. After reading this, I understand a little more about how to keep the message short and to the point. This is an important lesson I have learned within AP style teachings, which captivates the audience a little more. However, I hope to explain a little more background information and detail to at more light to my story. I say this because although this article is enriching, I may write in my commentaries for a more engaging audience. I hope for the information to be thought provoking and slightly more detailed. Wonderful strategy I can’t wait to try out soon.
As someone who gets migraines and headaches quite often, this is something I can directly apply to my life. I tried it out and it actually does help me feel relaxed. So, thanks! This actually helps.
It’s also nice to see everyone so happy. You can tell this video series is something they enjoy doing, and it’s always cool to see someone doing something they’re clearly enthusiastic about.