Culturs TV
Shayla Montero On Powerful Hair and Discovering Her Inner Beauty – Part 1
Culturs TV spoke with Shayla Montero, a multicultural poet, about her journey through her spiritual awakening and the discovery of her inner beauty. Montero’s poem “Awaken” describes the different experiences that molded her personality and transformed her into the person […]
Sixty Seconds in Dorking, England to Help with Headaches
Want relief from headaches? This Culturs TV Wednesday Energy Medicine Minute comes from Wotton House in Dorking, England, where Culturs experts Donna Eden, Titanya Dahlin and Dondi Dahlin demonstrate an Energy Medicine technique designed to help offer you exactly that. […]
TCK Legacy Expert Michael Pollock: The Power of Storytelling
What’s in a story? How do you tell your own? More importantly, why do you tell it at all? When Third Culture Kid (TCK) expert and educator Michael Pollock, son of one of the originators of TCK research – David Pollock, […]
CultursTV – Live From Ireland, :60 sec to Your Best Energy Ever!
This Culturs TV Wednesday Energy Medicine Minute comes from the Kenmare Sound Circle in Ireland, where expert Tatiana Dahlin shows how releasing energy flows can energize you anytime, anyplace, with very little effort. To do this, Tatiana talks about […]