The Best Mistake: 66 Years Ago, Ken Stover Boarded The Wrong Ship And Found Aloha — Part 2
In Part 1, we’re introduced to Ken and Dora Stover and how they first met. In this part, we learn about the challenges a biracial couple faces.
The Best Mistake: 66 Years Ago, Ken Stover Boarded the Wrong Ship and Found Aloha — Part 1
In this two-part series, we meed Ken and Dora Stover, who met and fell in love because Ken got on the wrong troop ship.
How The Amazing Spam Musubi Blends Asian And U.S. Cultures Into A Delicious, Inexpensive Snack
(Note: This article refers to “Matthew James Berrafato” because he has an uncle, Matthew Berrafato, who is also a photographer.) Irish-Italian-American photographer and all-around outdoorsman Matthew James Berrafato, a Third Culture Adult (TCA), missed the Hawaiian islands he had grown to […]
A Land Down Under and A Life in Tahiti: Part 3 of 3
Rachel Ehredt and Kainoa Smith have had completely different experiences in life. One grew up to be a Third Culture Adult (TCA) and the other grew up as a Third Culture Kid (TCK). In this three-part series, we take a […]