With summer beginning soon in the Northern Hemisphere, it is almost time for all-things summer — including summertime snacks. Some may fall into making their favorite treats, but a good way to switch up your platter is to include different traditional foods from other countries. Here’s a list of sweet treats you can add to your summer snack makings for this summer.
1. Do you have 15 minutes? Try an African classic… African plantain chips. All you need is peeled plantains, salt and olive oil. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes and you have a tasty chip that is home made and easy to carry with you for the summer on-the-go moments.

2. A salad can be a perfect summer snack for those hot days where you need something light but delicious. In Asia, pickled cucumber salads are the perfect for just that. While you may need more time for this one (one suggests to let the cucumbers marinate for 3 to 4 days) you can make plenty ahead of time for an already prepared snack during the week.

3. If you have a little extra time on your hands and are craving a Panini, European recipes for how to make hot melted sandwiches the right way is the route to go. For example, the Mortadella and Cheese Panini. Melted cheese on peasant bread for your lunch break… can’t go wrong.

4. Do you have a sweet tooth? The answer is soft molasses cookies. It’s no secret that Canada is known for their maple syrup and molasses the country produces, but what about adding it to a cookie to give the sweet dessert an entire new flavor?

5. And of course, a summer can’t be complete without a fruity cocktail (if you’re of age), like the Capirinha. This classic Brazilian refreshment will quench your thirst in the summer sunshine. The cocktail is also designed to work with many fruits… so you can make it in a way that fits your taste buds. The tradition for the Caipirinha calls for lime, but if you prefer pineapple or any other passion fruit the cocktail is tastes just as refreshing.

So, if you are getting tired of your every day lunch that you have fallen into the habit of making, switch it up with these easy and on-the-go summer eats inspired by different cultures around the world.