How To Make A Beautiful Meal That Will Be A Surefire Hit
This meal is from the hills of Tuscany. Panzanella is the perfect dish to serve in the summer. Moreover, it is easy to make, a good addition to any table.
Summer Vacation — Expectations for a U.S. Trip
Summer vacation has different meanings and expectations across cultures around the world. Even within individual cultures, summer vacation has unique interpretations. For many U.S. citizens, this means that rather than school, they’ll dedicate their time to working or playing. I […]
Summer Eats and Treats
With summer beginning soon in the Northern Hemisphere, it is almost time for all-things summer — including summertime snacks. Some may fall into making their favorite treats, but a good way to switch up your platter is to include different […]
Eight Tips for Visiting Your Long-Distance Friend This Summer
Summer is almost here! For many Third Culture Kids (TCKs), the arrival of summer break means they will finally have a chance to go visit that overseas best friend. Long-distance friendships can be rough. Skype dates and late night phone […]
Sunshine and summer fashion trends across the globe
With the summer months fast approaching and the northern hemisphere’s thermostat being turned up a couple notches, summer fashion is coming back into season. Across the globe different countries and cultures adjust their outerwear to better accommodate the rising temperatures […]
Moving with teenagers – Seven things to do this summer
Moving as a teenager can be really hard An expat teen shares her tips to ease the transition Many expatriate families choose to move at the end of summer so that children can start their new school year in their new […]