TCK life
Storytelling and Culture – Angela Flores On The Power to Remember
Storytelling is a vital part of the human experience. Stories give us the power to connect with people we have never met. It gives us the chance to understand the similarities and differences of our experiences within different cultures – […]
From Hong Kong To Colorado State University: One TCK’s Journey, Part 2 Of 3
Article covers Kira Gregory, a TCK Colorado State University Student from Hong Kong.
TCKs: Witnesses of Change
There are moments in life that will change you, and you don’t always know when they’re happening, because it isn’t until much farther down the road that you realize that you aren’t the same. TCKs are often witnesses to […]
Culture Shock: The Land of Plenty, or The Land of Grossly Too Much?
Culture shock sucks, especially because you never see it coming. There are things that you expect, like not knowing the latest music fad or who’s dating whom in Hollywood. But culture shock isn’t about petty ignorance of pop culture; it’s […]
The TCK Language: Miscommunication Builds Barriers
It’s hard to contribute your perspective when sometimes your perspective can sound to others like bragging. We’ve all been there, standing with a group of people who are talking, wanting to contribute, but feeling that if we do they might […]