Friday, February 7 2025
Miami Skyline
Miami Skyline

“Don’t get upset if people talk to you directly in Spanish”. Yes, I know we are in America an English should be our primary language. However, there’s an exception to the shortage of English spoken. Welcome yourselves to the magnificent city of Miami, Florida.

The population consist of 65 percent of the people that reside in Miami are Hispanics (miamifl.areaconnect). “No Hablo Español” is a saying most outsiders practice before traveling to South Florida. Pretend Miami is a foreign country you are visiting in South America or Central America.

From the hovering of the plane above the blue ocean on Collins Street and view of the South Beach mansions, this Latin city will awake you with the whiff of Cuban coffee and make you feel like it is a “getaway” from America. This is not your typical “American City” instead; think of it as a melting pot overflowing with distinctive beautiful cultures.

Punctuality, a term used to show respect for the most part meaning, show up on time. Well there are exceptions to being punctual in Miami. However, Don’t take it as disrespect remember this beautiful city have different cultures and for the most part back in most people native Latin countries showing up on time means being thirty minutes or an hour late.

The mouth-watering foods from all Hispanic regions make it worth the stay. Furthermore, get use to turning the radio trying to find an English station. This tropical fast pace city will bring the inner thrill and liveliness of the people.


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About Author


Ivan Cavero comes from a Latin background in Maimi, Fla. U.S.A. His articles really express the inside view of my beautiful city of Miami.

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