Growing up as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) can sometimes make one feel like a tumbleweed.
To that end, children’s book author Kim Pollock McGrath weaves her love of nature and talent for writing jingles into an interactive tale about a tumbleweed rolling across the countryside looking for a friend in her book “The Carefree Tumbleweed.”
“I was a first-grade teacher for 29 years,” McGrath explains. “I wrote my own jingles, songs and stories to be included in my lessons. My favorite part of the day was story time!”
In “The Carefree Tumbleweed,” McGrath brings her story to life using playful rhymes coupled with a rhythmic chorus that encourages kids to sing along.
My favorite part of the day was story time!
According to the book description:
“When readers meet Little Tumbleweed, he is so excited to start his journey. He doesn’t care who he meets or what he sees, as long as he’s rollin’ free with the breeze. He meets different animals in different habitats — and they don’t want anything to do with him. So he keeps rollin’, rollin’, rollin until he meets that one special friend.”
With colorful illustrations by Kailyn Palmer, “The Carefree Tumbleweed” is ideal for children ages 3-10 and will keep young minds entertained as they learn about Little Tumbleweed’s adventures.
“The Carefree Tumbleweed” is available on Amazon.