Friday, February 14 2025

You know that feeling when you have a foot in two (or more) worlds?

At Culturs, we know you want to be confident in your identity. In order to do that, you need to interact with people who get you – the problem is, others may try to tell you who THEY think you are —which makes you feel invisible.


Because our team understands what it feels like to not feel culturally understood. That’s why our award-winning magazine has attracted a community of cross-cultural people like you.


Culturs celebrates cross-cultural identity because everyone should feel like they matter. We use media, products and experiences to enhance human connection and create community for that “third space,” the “in-between” community of people who straddle cutlure, race, ethnicity, nation or location.


Weather a Third Culture Kid, immigrant, multiethnic, mixed-race, military B.R.A.T. or any other in-between community, our goal is to foster a sense of belonging in a world that doesn’t always embrace our presence in the grey space of the “in-between.’

Join our community today for free to get great content with you in mind, and feel the confidence of joining others who understand you and knowing your story matters.


Marveling at the color of life, Cartagena, Colombia

Country Artist Keith Urban and his Surprising Cultural Fluidity


Hidden Diversity in 'Mean Girls'

About Author


CULTURS is a global, multi-cultural philanthropic lifestyle network that activates 21st Century cultural identity through media, products and experiences for "in-between" populations. CULTURS includes topics of interest to these culturally fluid populations, including multiethnic, multicultural, mixed-race and geographically mobile people (like immigrants, refugees and Third Culture Kids) highlighting items of importance to or topics of interest to their backgrounds.


  1. I think being confident in your cross cultural identity is very important in order to stay true to who you are. Cross cultural identity takes multiple pieces of your varying cultures to form who you are. When you own who you are proudly, not only do you improve yourself but you motivate others around you that lack the confidence to do the same. Overall its very important to be confident in your cross cultural identity.

  2. I agree with this article. Being confident in your cultural identity allows you to embrace every part of who you are. Your cross cultural identity takes multiple parts of who you are so it is very important that you are confident in that, not only does it help yourself it helps others that don’t have the confidence that you have to do the same and be proud of every part of who they are

  3. I 100% agree with this article. I really enjoyed reading it, since I can relate to it personally. Everybody who has the privilege of knowing two or more cultures should celebrate themselves and not trying to only follow one particular culture. I believe people who has more ways to see the world, have more opportunities and could understand cultural fluidity better than others.

  4. I love this article and the meaning behind it! Culturs is a place that anyone can find where they fit. The connections and community that Culturs offers to its’ readers are invaluable and unmatched.

  5. I think that this was a well written article. I think that the writer did a good job at making it exciting and stand out from the other articles. I think that this article gave a good idea of what this overall website offers and how it can benefit everyone who reads it. This article made a lot of great points on how you shouldn’t be the person that everyone else is wanting you to be and that you have to figure out who you are for yourself. I think it gave a lot of great tips about how to navigate the society we live in.

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