
Global Org Founder Jessica Erickson: 10 Reasons Why You Should Move Abroad

Erickson, founder of Geekettes speaks at TedTalk in Berlin

Jessica Erickson is a global nomad that has lived in three different countries throughout her young adult life.

Geekettes was founded by Erickson in Berlin when she decided that there needed to be more diversity is the tech world.

As the founder of an organization inspiring more women to become innovators and leaders, Erickson found that many of the skills she uses in the workplace are attributed to her experience studying and living abroad

As the founder of an organization inspiring more women to become innovators and leaders, Erickson found that many of the skills she uses in the workplace are attributed to her experience studying and living abroad. If the abundance of the unique places around the world isn’t alluring enough to make you pick up your bags and go, think about what defining moments traveling abroad can bring you and help expand your personal and professional portfolio. Erickson spoke at Ted Talk Youth in Berlin recently to explain her 10 Reasons Why You Should Move Abroad.



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